Wednesday, March 11, 2009

S Africa

Hello from S Africa...I was hoping to keep up my blog with photos, but it will have to wait till I get home and I get back on my laptop, so in the meantime...Here everything is more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. The coast around Capetown was breathtaking. We had a car and went to several beaches over a few days and then a bunch of wineries for tasting SA wines which are delicious. Now we are at a dairy farm "estate" in the Drokensburg mountains at about 6000 ft. We can see for miles, mountain range after range after range. Tremendous thunder and lightening storms in the afternoons. Soon we pack up the 2 jeeps and go on safari for 2 weeks in Bortswana. I feel so fortunate to have this time with our friends here who are avid birders and all around naturalists. No electricity and camping in tents for the whole time. We are not in fenced compounds! We are with the animals and can't imagine what it's going to be like, but they do this all the time. First stop the Central Kalahari Game Park, then 3 more: Chobe, Linyanti and Rhaha...I won't be able to keep in touch for that time... till next time I can post...


David said...

Hi Joyce - just to let you know I dropped by for a look see. Looking forward to more posts on S. Africa. Looking back to our time in Gulfport. I can see myself going back there and so can Linsay. Miss you. David

Ocean Deep said...

I hope to read more about your trip. I'm delighted that you enjoyed Cape Town. One of these years I'll get there, the birthplace of my father.